Description from
Flora of China
Actegeton sarmentosa Blume, Bijdr. 1143. 1826-1827.
Shrubs erect; branches 2-4 m tall, scrambling or drooping. Axillary spines 2-16 mm, strict and acute. Stipules subulate, ± persistent; petiole 5-10 mm; leaf blade ovate, elliptic, broadly elliptic, subrounded, or obovate, 2.5-8 × 1-5 cm, papery or thinly leathery, green, glossy, base obtuse or rounded, apex acute, sometimes mucronate; midrib prominent. Inflorescence 4-15 cm, often branched; bracts usually persistent, narrowly triangular, 0.8-2.5 mm, apex acute. Flowers pale green. Male flowers: calyx 4-lobed, 2-2.5 mm, lobes obtuse, erect; petals oblong, entire or apex slightly serrulate, longer than calyx; anthers oblong, 1.2-1.5 mm. Female flowers: pedicels 1-8 mm; calyx 1.2-1.5 mm; petals shorter than in male flowers. Berry white or green, globose. Fl. Jan-Mar.
Coastal forests; near sea level. S Hainan (Sanya) [Cambodia, India, Indonesia, Laos, Malaysia, Myanmar, Thailand, Vietnam].