Description from
Flora of China
Lasianthera tetrandra Wallich in Roxburgh, Fl. Ind. 2: 328. 1824; Gomphandra cambodiana Pierre ex Gagnepain; G. chingiana (Handel-Mazzetti) Sleumer; G. hainanensis Merrill; G. pauciflora Craib; Nyssa sinensis Oliver var. oblongifolia W. P. Fang & T. P. Soong; Stemonurus chingianus Handel-Mazzetti; S. hainanensis (Merrill) Hu.
Shrubs or small trees, 2-10 m tall. Bark gray; young branches green, densely or sparsely yellow pubescent. Petiole 0.5-1.5 cm, minutely pubescent; leaf blade shiny, abaxially light green, adaxially dark green, narrowly lanceolate or narrowly or broadly elliptic, 6-15 × 2-6 cm, membranous when young, glabrate or abaxially yellowish pubescent, midvein conspicuously prominent abaxially, lateral veins 6-8 pairs, obliquely ascending, reticulate veins inconspicuous, base cuneate, apex acuminate or caudate. Cymes opposite leaves, sometimes axil lary, 2-4 cm, densely yellow-white pubescent; peduncle 2-5 mm. Staminate flowers yellow-white or white-green, 5-merous, ca. 5 mm; calyx short, to 0.5 mm, shallowly 5-lobed; corolla campanulate, 3-4 mm; lobes subtriangular, apex abruptly acuminate, incurved; stamens slightly longer than petals, 3.5-4.5 mm; filaments flat, ca. 1 mm wide, fleshy, apex white clavate pilose; anthers yellow-white, ovoid, ca. 0.5 mm; ovary undeveloped, small, 0.5-1 mm. Pistillate flowers yellow-white, ca. 5 mm; calyx as in staminate flowers; corolla campanulate, ca. 5 mm; lobes narrowly triangular, margin involute, apex incurved; stamens undeveloped, shorter than corolla; filaments as in staminate flowers; ovary terete, glabrous or sometimes pubescent; stigma small, 5-lobed to ovary. Drupe berrylike, changing from green to yellow to white, ellipsoid, (1.2-)2-2.5 cm × (5-)7-12 mm, conspicuously longitudinally ribbed when dry; fruiting peduncle slightly pubescent. Fl. and fr. all seasons.
Sparse woods, dense forests, roadside scrub, valleys; 500-2200 m. Guangdong, Guangxi, Guizhou, Hainan, Yunnan [Cambodia, India, Laos, Myanmar, Sri Lanka, Thailand, Vietnam].