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Chinese Plant Names | Family List | Rhamnaceae | Berchemia

Berchemia huana Rehd.


Description from Flora of China

Shrubs scandent, ca. 10 m tall. Branchlets green-brown, smooth, glabrous. Petiole 1.4-2.5 cm, glabrous; leaf blade abaxially yellow-green, dark brown when dry, adaxially green, ovate or ovate-oblong, 6-10 × 3-6 cm, upper leaves gradually smaller, papery or thinly papery, abaxially densely yellowish pubescent or sparsely pubescent on veins or in vein axils, adaxially glabrous, lateral veins 10-14 pairs, slightly prominent on both surfaces, base rounded or subcordate, apex rounded or slightly obtuse, rarely acute. Inflorescences comparatively large; rachis to 20 cm; branches to 8 cm, pubescent. Flowers yellowish green, glabrous, usually in terminal, broad cymose panicles, rarely in axillary, narrow cymose racemes or cymose panicles. Pedicel 1-2 mm, glabrous. Drupe purple-red or purple-black at maturity, cylindric-elliptic, 7-9 mm, ca. 4 mm in diam., with persistent, cup-shaped disk at base; fruiting pedicel ca. 2 mm. Fl. Jul-Sep, fr. May-Jun of following year.

● Forests on slopes, thickets; below 1000 m. Anhui, Fujian, Hubei, Hunan, Jiangsu, Jiangxi, Zhejiang.


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