Description from
Flora of China
Hypericum napaulense Choisy.
Herbs, perennial, 0.15-0.5(-0.73) m tall, erect (sometimes from creeping and rooting base); stems cespitose, unbranched or rarely branched above; branches virgate. Stems terete, eglandular. Leaves sessile; blade lanceolate or more rarely ovate-lanceolate to oblong-lanceolate or oblong-elliptic to linear, 1-5 × (0.2-)0.4-1.2(-1.7) cm, thickly papery, abaxially paler but not glaucous; laminar glands pale, dense, large, dots or short streaks; intramarginal glands black, sparse; main lateral veins (2 or)3-paired, tertiary reticulation lax; base cordate-amplexicaul to rounded, the upper usually with glandular-ciliate auricles, margin entire or (upper) glandular-ciliate toward base, apex acute to subacute or more rarely obtuse to rounded. Inflorescence (1-)5- to ca. 30-flowered, from 1(-4) nodes, corymbiform to cylindric, very rarely with flowering branches from 1 or 2 nodes below; bracts and bracteoles ovate-lanceolate to oblong-lanceolate or linear, with margin and auricles black-glandular-ciliate or very rarely subentire to entire without auricles. Pedicel 3-12 mm. Flowers 1-2 cm in diam., stellate; buds ellipsoid. Sepals free, erect, equal, narrowly elliptic-lanceolate to narrowly oblong-lanceolate, 5-9 × 1-1.5(-3) mm, glandular-ciliate; laminar glands pale or black, lines or streaks; marginal glands black, on cilia and a few sessile; apex acute; veins 5. Petals golden yellow, oblanceolate to obovate-oblong, 7-15 × 3-4 mm; laminar glands black and sometimes a few pale, lines to dots, dense to sparse; marginal glands black, distal, few, sessile; margin entire. Stamens ca. 60, apparently 3-fascicled, longest 6-11 mm, ca. 0.75 × as long as petals. Ovary narrowly ovoid, 2-4 × 1.3-1.7 mm; styles 3, (3-)4-8 mm, ca. 2 × as long as ovary, divaricate, curved-ascending or straight. Capsule ovoid, 5-8 × 4-5.5 mm, ca. as long as sepals. Seeds yellow-brown, 0.5-0.6 mm; testa densely scalariform-reticulate. Fl. Jun-Aug, fr. Aug-Oct. 2n = 16, 32.
Hypericum elodeoides is apparently derived from H. heng shanense, having shorter leaves and styles than the latter and being in general smaller than it. A reduction trend runs mainly E-W along the Himalayan range to Kashmir, the smaller plants having linear leaves. A separate subspecies with entire leaves, bracts, sepals, and petals, H. elodeoides subsp. wardii N. Robson, occurs in NE India (Manipur) and W Myanmar.
Forests, thickets, damp meadows and rice fields, grassy slopes, tracksides; 2100-3000 m. Guangxi, Sichuan, Xizang, Yunnan; also recorded from Fujian, Guangdong, Guizhou, Hubei, Hunan, Jiangxi [Bhutan, N India (W Himalayas, Sikkim), Kashmir, W Myanmar, Nepal].