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Stachyurus salicifolius Franch.


Description from Flora of China

Stachyurus salicifolius subsp. lancifolius (C. Y. Wu ex S. K. Chen) Y. C. Tang & Y. L. Cao; S. salicifolius var. lancifolius C. Y. Wu ex S. K. Chen.

Shrubs evergreen, 2-3 m tall. Bark brown or purple-brown. Petiole ca. 4 mm; leaf blade linear-lanceolate or narrowly lanceolate, 7-16 × 1-2 cm, leathery or thickly papery, both surfaces glabrous, midvein raised on both sides, lateral veins 6-8-paired, ± anastomosing at margin, base obtuse to rounded, margin inconspicuously serrate, apex acuminate. Spikes erect or nodding, 5-7 cm; peduncles short, ca. 6 mm. Flowers yellow-green, ± sessile; bract triangular, ca. 2 mm, apex acute; bracteoles ovate, ca. 2 mm, ciliate, apex acute. Sepals ovate, ca. 4 × 3 mm, ciliate, apex obtuse. Petals obovate, ca. 5 × 4 mm, apex obtuse or subrounded. Ovary bottle-shaped, pubescent; style ca. 6 mm. Fruit globose, 5-6 mm in diam., ± glabrous. Fl. Apr-May, fr. Jun-Jul. 2n = 24*.

This species is often easily distinguishable from other species in the genus by its usually linear-lanceolate, leathery or thickly papery leaves. Few plants with somewhat broader leaves, which had been previously referred to Stachyurus salicifolius var. lancifolius, cannot be distinctly differentiated from S. yunnanensis, thus indicating a possibly close affinity between these two species.

● Broad-leaved mixed forests, mixed forests or thickets on mountain slopes, streamsides in mountain valleys; 800-2000 m. Chongqing (Nanchuan), Sichuan, NE Yunnan.


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