Description from
Flora of China
Plants 40–50 cm, polycarpic, strongly onion-scented. Caudex thick, branched. Stem solitary, erect, paniculate-branched, lower branches alternate, upper branches verticillate. Basal leaves short-petiolate, sheaths dilated; blade broadly ovate, ternate-2-pinnatisect; ultimate segments gray-green, long-ovate, ca. 20 mm, pinnate or sometimes 3–5 crenate-toothed, pubescent, base decurrent. Cauline leaves reduced, uppermost bladeless, petioles wholly sheathing, pubescent. Terminal umbel sessile or short-pedunculate, lateral umbels 1–2, exceeding terminal; umbellules 6–10-flowered. Petals abaxially puberulent, persistent for a long time after flower. Fruit long-ellipsoid, 12–14 × 6–7 mm; vittae 3–4 in each furrow, 10–12 on commissure, very unequal. Fl. and fr. May–Jun.
The rootstock is used medicinally.
Sandy places on low mountain slopes; 1000–1100 m. NC Xinjiang (Manas) [Afghanistan, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, W Pakistan, Uzbekistan; C Asia, SW Asia (Iran)].