Description from
Flora of China
Agapetes saligna J. D. Hooker var. cordifolia C. B. Clarke.
Shrubs glabrous. Twigs terete, ca. 1 mm in diam., with sparse orbicular lenticels. Leaves scattered; petiole ca. 2 mm; leaf blade ovate-lanceolate, 7–12.5 × 1.5–3.2 cm, thickly papery, glabrous, secondary veins ca. 8 pairs, inconspicuous, base rounded, margin very narrowly hyalocartilaginous, entire, without basal glands, apex acuminate or subcaudate. Inflorescences corymbose, ca. 1.5 cm. Pedicel ca. 2 cm, expanded apically. Calyx tube 6–7 mm; limb divided ca. 1/2; lobes narrowly triangular, ca. 3 mm, carinate on back, apex acute. Corolla bright red, with darker bands, narrowly funnelform, ca. 2 cm; lobes recurved, broadly triangular, 1–2 mm. Filaments 2–3 mm, slightly papillose-ciliolate; anthers ca. 1.5 cm, thecae ca. 4 mm, papillate, tubules free, ca. 3 × as long as thecae, without spurs. Berry unknown.
Forests, epiphytic on trees; ca. 1000 m. S Xizang [N Myanmar].