Primula jaffreyana King
Description from Flora of China
Primula lhasaensis I. B. Balfour & W. W. Smith.
Herbs perennial. Leaves forming a rosette; petiole indistinct to 1/2 as long as leaf blade; leaf blade obovate-elliptic to oblanceolate, 4--10 X 1.5--2 cm, enlarging to 20 X 4 cm at fruiting, abaxially white or cream-white farinose, adaxially densely minutely brownish glandular, base attenuate, margin irregularly dentate to sometimes remotely crenulate, apex rounded to obtuse. Scapes 5--25 cm, farinose toward apex; umbels 3--13-flowered; bracts linear-lanceolate to subulate, 5--10(--15) mm, base slightly gibbous. Pedicel usually 0.5--2 cm, white farinose. Flowers heterostylous. Calyx tubular, 7--12 mm, parted to near middle, 5-ribbed; lobes lanceolate, usually farinose inside and on margin, apex acute. Corolla pink to pale bluish purple; tube 1.3--1.5 cm; limb 1.2--2 cm wide; lobes broadly obovate, deeply emarginate. Pin flowers: stamens at middle of corolla tube; style reaching or slightly longer than mouth. Thrum flowers with positions reciprocal. Capsule oblong, ca. as long as to slightly longer than calyx. Fl. Jul-Sep.
* Grassy mountain slopes, in rock crevices, Pinus woodlands; 2700--5300 m. S Xizang
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