Description from
Flora of China
Styrax langkongensis W. W. Smith.
Shrubs 1--2.5 m tall. Branchlets densely grayish stellate tomentose. Leaves alternate; petiole 1--3 mm; leaf blade elliptic to obovate, 3.5--7(--9.5) X 2--4.5 cm, papery, abaxially densely brownish stellate tomentose and shortly pubescent, adaxially stellate pubescent when young, base rounded to broadly cuneate, margin apically serrulate, apex acute to shortly acuminate, secondary veins 5 or 6 pairs, tertiary veins reticulate. Racemes terminal, 3--6-flowered, 3--4 cm; bracteoles subulate. Pedicel 3--4 mm. Flowers ca. 1.5 cm. Calyx ca. 5 X 7 mm, densely yellow-brown stellate tomentose and villose; teeth subulate to deltoid, unequal, 1--1.5 mm. Corolla tube ca. 4 mm; lobes elliptic to ovate-elliptic, 9--11 X 4--6 mm. Filaments apical free parts densely white stellate villose. Fruit globose, 1--1.5 cm in diam., irregularly splitting into 3-valves, rugose, densely grayish stellate pubescent, apex shortly pointed. Seeds brown, ovoid, glabrous. Fl. Mar-Apr, fr. Aug-Oct.
* Forests; 1700--2400 m. SW Sichuan, NW Yunnan.