Description from
Flora of China
Actinocarya bhutanica T. Yamazaki, J. Jap. Bot. 46: 52. 1971.
Stems erect or ascending, frequently branched from base, or not branched, 5-22 cm tall, sparsely short hispid or glabrescent below. Petiole of basal and lower leaves 0.6-3 cm; leaf blade spatulate to elliptic, 2.5-6.5 × 0.7-2 cm, base attenuate or broadly cuneate, apex subacute to subobtuse; upper stem leaves short petiolate to sessile, narrowly elliptic to narrowly ovate or ovate, 0.6-3 cm, short strigose. Pedicel of lower flowers 1-2.2(-3.2) cm, sparsely hispid above. Flowers opposite leaves on lower or middle part of stems and above; lower flowers thin, long pedicellate; upper flowers forming terminal short crowded inflorescences. Calyx 1.5-2 mm, to 3 mm in fruit, parted nearly to base; lobes narrowly triangular, densely short strigose outside, sparsely pubescent inside. Corolla blue, glabrous; tube 1.2-1.8 mm; appendages lunate, ca. 0.2 mm; limb 3-4 mm wide, glabrous; lobes suborbicular. Nutlets ovoid, 2.2-2.7 × 2-2.2 mm, finely tuberculate or wrinkled, sparsely short pubescent; aperture elliptic to suborbicular, 1.5-2.5 mm, on upper 2/3 to entire abaxially; attachment scar at middle of adaxial surface. Fl. Jul-Sep.
Barren slopes, rock crevices, forest margins; 3000-4100 m. SW Sichuan (Muli Xian), N Yunnan [Bhutan].