Description from
Flora of China
Roots thick. Stems 20-60 cm tall, subglabrous or retrorse pilose toward apex. Petiole (1-)2-28 cm; basal and stem leaf blades ovate, rarely ovate-oblong to oblong-lanceolate, 2.5-11 × 1.5-8 cm, base cordate, margin crenate, apex obtuse. Verticillasters (1 or) 2-4, many flowered; floral leaves sessile or short petiolate, 1.5-4 × 0.4-2.2 cm, margin serrate or subentire, slightly shorter to longer than verticillasters; bracts linear-subulate, 3-10 × to 2 mm, sparsely ciliate to subglabrous. Calyx tubular-campanulate, ca. 10 × 6 mm, veins sparsely bristly outside; teeth triangular, margin double toothed, apex emarginate, spinescent, tufted setose inside, spines 2-2.5 mm. Corolla purple with purple-black upper lip, rarely purplish to white, 1.7-1.8(-2) cm; tube 1-1.2 cm, appressed puberulent near throat outside, pilose annulate inside; upper lip 6-8 mm, densely appressed white pubescent outside, margin irregularly denticulate, white barbate inside; lower lip ca. 7 × 9 mm, puberulent outside; middle lobe oblong, ca. 6 × 5 mm; lateral lobes small, ovate. Stamens included; filaments without appendages at base. Nutlets glabrous.
* Marshy meadows; 2800-3900 m. Yunnan (Zhongdian Xian, Lijiang Xian).