Description from
Flora of China
Phlomis wangii Hu & Tsai.
Herbs perennial. Stems 20-75 cm tall, purple-red, stellate pilose. Petiole of basal leaves 6-23 cm, others 0.8-7 cm; basal leaf blades ovate to ovate-oblong, 4.5-14 × 4-11 cm, base deeply cordate, margin coarsely crenate, apex rounded; stem leaf blades 5-6 × 2.5-4 cm, adaxially strigose, abaxially densely stellate pubescent, base ± truncate, margin coarsely dentate, apex acute or obtuse, longer than verticillasters. Verticillasters 1-4, many flowered, widely spaced; bracts linear-subulate, 6-10 mm, spinescent, ciliate, glandular puberulent, outer bracts reflexed, others ± spreading. Calyx tubular-campanulate, ca. 9 × 5 mm, sparsely stellate puberulent, bristly outside; teeth triangular, ca. 2 mm, margin puberulent, double dentate, tufted villous inside, apical spines 3-5 mm, obliquely reflexed or spreading. Corolla purple-red or reddish, ca. 2 cm, base glabrous; limb densely stellate tomentose, silky outside, villous annulate inside; upper lip ca. 1 cm, margin irregularly denticulate, bearded inside; lower lip spreading, ca. 8 × 6 mm, red lineate; middle lobe obovate, ca. 5 mm in diam.; lateral lobes small, broadly ovate. Posterior filament appendages reflexed, lingulate, at base above annulus. Nutlets apex scaly. Fl. May-Jul.
* Slopes; 1700-3600 m. Sichuan, Xizang.