Description from
Flora of China
Stems much branched, striate, densely stellate pilose. Petiole 0.8-7.5 cm; upper stem leaf blades sagittate-oblong, 9-17 × 5-8.5 cm, adaxially sparsely stellate pubescent and hairs with longer central arms, abaxially densely gray stellate pilose, base sagittate-cordate, margin coarsely crenate-serrate, apex acute. Verticillasters 3-5, many flowered, widely spaced; peduncle obscure; floral leaves with petiole 1-5 mm, blade longer than verticillasters, (2.5-)3-6 × 1.2-4 cm; bracts subulate, 3-8 mm, herbaceous, with stellate hairs. Calyx tubular, ca. 11 × 4 mm, conspicuously veined, with stellate hairs, yellow-brown near margin when dry, splitting longitudinally; teeth semicircular, apical spine 1-2 mm. Corolla yellow, ca. 1.8 cm; tube ca. 1 cm, glabrous outside, apex pilose on back, pilose annulate inside; upper lip ca. 8 mm, margin subentire or denticulate, densely stellate lanate outside, bearded inside; lower lip ca. 8 × 8 mm, densely stellate lanate except on margin outside, middle lobe obovate, lateral lobes ovate. Stamens included; filaments hairy, posterior 2 with a long, upwardly curved basal appendage. Nutlets glabrous. Fl. Sep.
* Grassy slopes; 3200-3500 m. Yunnan.