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Chinese Plant Names | Family List | Lamiaceae | Phlomis

Phlomis younghusbandii Mukerj.


Description from Flora of China

Phlomis kawaguchii Murata.

Taproots fusiform, to 2.5 cm in diam., lateral roots with globose swellings. Rhizomes cylindric, neck with dense, persistent petiole bases. Stems unbranched, 15-20 cm tall, sparsely appressed stellate tomentulose. Petiole of basal leaves 2-5 cm, others 0.4-1.3 cm; basal leaf blades lanceolate-oblong to narrowly oblong, 5-9 × 2-3.5 cm, base cordate, margin crenate, apex obtuse to rounded; stem leaves ovate-oblong to oblong, 2-3.5 × 1.2-2 cm, adaxially bullate, sparsely stellate hispid and simple hairy, abaxially sparsely stellate tomentulose, base broadly cuneate, margin crenate. Verticillasters 3-5, many flowered, basally widely spaced; floral leaves short petiolate to subsessile, 1.8-3.5 × 0.6-1.2 cm, margin dentate to entire; bracts bristlelike, ciliate, stellate puberulent, nearly as long as calyx. Calyx tubular, 9-10 × ca. 4 mm, densely stellate and glandular puberulent; teeth circular, ca. 1.3 mm, apex spinescent, spines ca. 1.2 mm. Corolla ca. 1.5 cm, tube glabrous, limb densely villous and villous annulate inside; upper lip ca. 5 mm, bearded inside, dentate; lower lip ca. 8 × 6.5 mm, middle lobe obcordate, ca. 3.5 × 3.5 mm, emarginate; lateral lobes ovate, ca. 2.5 mm. Stamen appendage hooked, at base above villous annulus. Nutlets apex granular hairy. Fl. Jul.

Roots used medicinally for cough and bronchitis.

* Slopes, fields, thickets; 4300-4600 m. Xizang


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