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Chinese Plant Names | Family List | Scrophulariaceae | Euphrasia

Euphrasia tarokoana Ohwi


Description from Flora of China

Perennials, 10-30 cm tall, herbage densely hispid or rarely mixed with capitate glandular hairs, abaxially pubescent only along veins. Stems usually cespitose, erect or ascending, branched, 1-1.5 mm in diam. Leaves ovate-orbicular to orbicular, 3-8 X 3-8 mm, subleathery, densely pubescent on both surfaces, pubescence soft and mixed with glandular hairs, base rounded, margin crenately 1-3-toothed on each side, apex rounded. Spikes terminal; bracts similar to leaves, wider, densely glandular hairy and hispid. Pedicel short or nearly absent. Calyx 3.5-6 mm, densely glandular hairy and eglandular hispid; lobes as long as tube, narrowly oblong, apex obtuse. Corolla outer surface glandular and pubescent, upper side 1.2-1.4 cm. Anther locules with barbate hairs along slit after dehiscence. Capsule obovate, 4-6.5 mm, hirsute. Seeds ca. 1 mm. Fl. Nov-Apr.

* Mountain ridges; 1300-2000 m. Taiwan (Hualian Xian).


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