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Chinese Plant Names | Family List | Rubiaceae | Hedyotis

Hedyotis xanthochroa Hance


Description from Flora of China

Oldenlandia xanthochroa (Hance) Kuntze.

Herbs, perennial, erect, to 40 cm tall; stems obtusely 4-angled, shallowly sulcate, sparsely tomentulose, hispid, or pilosulous becoming glabrescent. Leaves sessile; blade drying stiffly papery, elliptic-oblong to ovate, 4-5.5 × 0.6-2.6 cm, adaxially sparsely to moderately scabrous to hispid on lamina and densely hispidulous to scaberulous on principal veins, abaxially hirtellous or hispidulous throughout with pubescence denser on veins, black glandular-punctate under magnification on both surfaces, base broadly rounded and somewhat amplexicaul, apex shortly acuminate; secondary veins ca. 4 pairs; stipules fused to petiole bases, triangular-lanceolate, 4-5 mm, hispidulous on margins or throughout, marginally laciniate to setose-lobed, apex acute to acuminate. Inflorescences terminal, congested-cymose to subcapitate, 1.5-4.5 cm, sparsely to densely hispid to pilosulous, several flowered, shortly pedunculate; peduncles 0.5-1.5 cm; bracts lanceolate, ovate, or narrowly elliptic, 4-8 mm; pedicels 1-4 mm. Flowers subsessile. Calyx sparsely villous; limb lobed; lobes linear-lanceolate, ca. 6 mm. Corolla dark purple, tubular, outside villous; tube ca. 5.5 mm; lobes ca. 5.5 mm. Anthers exserted. Stigma exserted. Fruit capsular, ellipsoid-oblong to obovoid, 3.5-4.5 mm, cartilaginous to papery, densely hispid to pilosulous, loculicidally and septicidally dehiscent through apical portion then sometimes splitting septicidally throughout, beak conical, ca. 1 mm, with persistent calyx lobes narrowly triangular, 5-5.5 mm, with partially persistent septal structure spongy-cartilaginous, ellipsoid, 3-3.5 mm, deeply pitted where seeds were situated; seeds several, black, triangular to irregularly angled, ca. 1 mm. Fl. Jul-Aug, fr. Dec.

● Mountain slopes in valleys at middle elevations. Guangdong.


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