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Viburnum longipedunculatum (Hsu) Hsu


Description from Flora of China

Viburnum corymbiflorum P. S. Hsu & S. C. Hsu var. longipedunculatum P. S. Hsu, Acta Phytotax. Sin. 13(1): 115. 1975.

Shrubs, deciduous, total size unknown. Bark unknown. Branchlets of current year grayish yellow, with dispersed, rounded lenticels; branchlets of previous year gray-brownish, terete, glabrous, with dispersed, small, rounded lenticels. Winter buds ovoid-oblong, with 2 pairs of separate scales; scales brownish, yellow-brownish stellate-pubescent, apex acute. Leaves always opposite, not clustered at apices of branchlets; stipules absent; petiole green, robust, 1-2 cm, glabrous; leaf blade green when young, becoming dark green adaxially, oblong to obovate-oblong, (4-)5-14 × (1.5-)2.5-6 cm, papery, both surfaces glabrous, midvein raised abaxially but not adaxially, lateral veins 4- or 5-jugate, pinnate, arched, branched, anastomosing near margin, conspicuously raised abaxially, inconspicuous adaxially, veinlets transverse, inconspicuous on both surfaces, not lobed, base broadly cuneate, without glands, margin remotely and shallowly serrate above 1/5-1/3 from base, apex abruptly narrowed and caudate. Flowers appearing after leaves; inflorescence paniculate, at apices of short branchlets with 1-jugate leaves, 2.5-4.5 × 2-4 cm; rays opposite, decussate; first node of inflorescence with 2 rays, lax, with dispersed small glands, without large sterile radiant flowers; peduncles (3.5-)6-9 cm, nodding at fruiting stage; bracts persistent, leaflike, reddish, linear to linear-lanceolate, large and conspicuous, sparsely glandular hairy; bracteoles persistent, scalelike. Flowers on rays of 1st and 2nd orders, not fragrant, sessile. Calyx reddish; tube obconical, ca. 3 mm, outside with few small glands; lobes orbicular-ovate to ovate-triangular, ca. 1 mm, glabrous, apex slightly acute or obtuse. Corolla white, tubular-funnelform, ca. 8 mm in diam., glabrous; tube ca. 7 mm; lobes spreading, orbicular-ovate, ca. 3 mm, apex rounded, margin entire. Stamens shorter than corolla, inserted at apex of corolla tube; filaments very short; anthers yellow-whitish, elliptic-oblong, ca. 1.7 mm. Styles nearly as long as calyx lobes; stigmas slightly 3-lobed. Fruit initially turning red, maturing intense red, ellipsoid or oblong-ellipsoid, 8-10 × 5-6 mm, base rounded, apex rounded, glabrous; pyrenes compressed, ellipsoid, ca. 7.5 × 5 mm, with 1 deep ventral groove, apex rounded. Fl. Apr-May, fr. Jul-Aug.

● Dense forests; 1400-1600 m. Guangxi, SE Yunnan (Xichou).


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