Description from
Flora of China
Artemisiella stracheyi (J. D. Hooker & Thomson ex C. B. Clarke) Ghafoor.
Herbs, perennial, caespitose, 15-45 cm tall, with thick woody root and stock, usually not branched, densely gray yellow or yellowish sericeous-tomentose, fetid. Basal leaves: petiole 5-8 cm, ± clasping; leaf blade narrowly ovate, oblong, or elliptic, 5-10 × 1-2 cm, 2- or 3-pinnatisect; segments 7-13 pairs, 1-3-lobulate; lobules narrowly linear-lanceolate or linear, 3-5 × 1-1.5 mm. Middle and uppermost leaves 1- or 2-pinnatisect; leaflike bracts pinnatisect or entire. Synflorescence racemelike, sometimes dense and spikelike. Capitula shortly pedunculate, nodding. Involucre hemispheric, 6-10 mm in diam.; receptacle hemispheric, deciduously pubescent. Marginal female florets 4-10. Disk florets 50-60, bisexual; corolla with adhering multicellular hairs. Achenes obovoid. Fl. and fr. Jul-Nov. 2n = 18.
Hills, floodlands, lakesides, rocky slopes, meadows, shrublands; 4300-5200 m. Xizang [N India, N Pakistan].