Artemisia yadongensis Ling et Y. R. Ling
Description from Flora of China
Herbs, perennial or nearly subshrubs, 50-70 cm tall, gray or yellowish viscid tomentose. Middle stem leaves shortly petiolate to ± sessile; leaf blade oblong or oblong-ovate, 2-3.5 × 2-2.5 cm, abaxially and on adaxial veins densely arachnoid tomentose and glandular sometimes deciduous pubescent, adaxially sparsely gray pubescent and glandular punctuate, 2-pinnatisect; segments 4 or 5 pairs, elliptic or oblong, 2-3.5 × 2-2.5 cm; lobules 1 or 2 pairs, elliptic or narrowly elliptic, 5-10 × 3-8 mm, rachis winged, apex acute or obtuse. Uppermost leaves elliptic or ovate, 1(or 2)-pinnatipartite; segments 4 or 5 pairs; leaflike bracts pinnatipartite or entire. Synflorescence a moderately broad panicle. Involucre subglobose or broadly ovoid, 1.5-2.5 mm in diam.; phyllaries densely gray tomentose and sparsely glandular sometimes deciduous pubescent. Marginal female florets 3-8. Disk florets 5-10, bisexual; corolla limb puberulent. Achenes obovoid. Fl. and fr. Aug-Oct.
● Grasslands; ca. 2900 m. S Xizang (Yadong).
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