Description from
Flora of China
Jurinea chaetocarpa (Ledebour) Ledebour subsp. dshungarica N. I. Rubtzov, Bot. Mater. Gerb. Bot. Inst. Komarova Akad. Nauk S.S.S.R. 8: 65. 1940.
Herbs 10-40(-60) cm tall, perennial. Caudex stout, apically covered with remains of petioles. Stems solitary or few, erect, simple or branched. Basal leaves petiolate; petiole 1.5-4(-8) cm, base adaxially densely lanate; leaf blade elliptic, 5-7(-12) × 1-2.5 cm, pinnately lobed to undivided, abaxially grayish white and densely tomentose, adaxially grayish green, arachnoid, and gland-dotted; lateral lobes 4-7 pairs, ovate, elliptic, or broadly triangular, margin entire or dentate, apex rounded to acute. Stem leaves few, similar to basal leaves, gradually smaller upward on stem. Capitulum solitary at end of branches. Involucre bowl-shaped, 1.5-2 cm in diam. Phyllaries in ca. 5 rows, yellowish green, arachnoid; outer and middle phyllaries narrowly triangular-ovate to narrowly elliptic, 3-10 × 1-3 mm, apex spiniform-acuminate and reflexed; inner phyllaries elliptic to elliptic-linear, 8-14 × 1-2 mm, apex acuminate and not reflexed. Corolla reddish purple, 1.4-1.9 cm, tube 4-7 mm, limb 1-1.2 cm, lobes 4-6 mm. Achene obconic, 5-6 mm, apically spinulose-tuberculate. Pappus bristles white, barbellate, 0.8-1.2 cm, with 2 of inner ones much longer than others, not connate into a ring, persistent. Fl. May-Jun, fr. Jun-Aug.
"Jurinea suidunensis" belongs here, but, to our knowledge, has never been validated by a description or diagnosis. When regarded as conspecific with J. dshungarica (e.g., by Tscherneva, Bot. Zhurn. 86 (12): 88-89. 2001), a concept which is followed here, the latter name has to be adopted as the correct one for this taxon.
Mountain slopes, sandy soils; 1800-2700 m. NW Xinjiang (Huocheng, Zhaosu) [Kazakhstan].