Description from
Flora of China
Sinarundinaria yunnanensis (Hsueh & T. P. Yi) Hsueh & D. Z. Li; Yushania yunnanensis (Hsueh & T. P. Yi) P. C. Keng & T. H. Wen ex T. H. Wen.
Rhizome neck, 12–35 cm. Culms 4–7 m, 3–6 cm in diam.; internodes terete, 28–36 cm, glabrous or sparsely setose below node, basal internodes solid, upper internodes hollow; supra-nodal ridges level or weakly prominent; sheath scar prominent or very prominent, with persistent remains of sheath base, glabrous. Branches 6–25 per node. Culm sheaths persistent, longitudinally purple striped, triangularly narrowly rounded, slightly shorter than internode, leathery, glabrous or setose in patches, margins glabrous; auricles and oral setae absent; ligule purple, truncate, 1–2 mm, glabrous; blade reflexed, purple-green, linear-lanceolate, glabrous, margins smooth. Leaves 3–7 per ultimate branch; sheath glabrous, sometimes distally white powdery; auricles and oral setae absent; ligule truncate, ca. 1 mm, glabrous; blade lanceolate, 13–19 × 1.2–1.8 cm, abaxially proximally pubescent, secondary veins 4- or 5-paired, transverse veins obscure, base cuneate, margins spinescent-serrulate. Inflorescence an open panicle, terminal to leafy branch; spikelets 13–23,1.6–2.5 cm, rachilla internodes ca. 4 mm, apically densely ciliate; florets 4 or 5, purple or green-purple. Glumes 2, glabrous; lemma glabrous, apex acuminate; palea keels white ciliate; lodicules ciliate. Anthers yellow. Ovary ovoid, light yellow, glabrous; stigmas 2. Caryopsis unknown. New shoots Jul–Sep.
This species is often placed in Yushania because of its open panicles and the relatively long rhizome necks producing well-separated culms.
The shoots are delicious, and the culms are used for making farm tools.
* 1700–2500 m. SW Sichuan, Yunnan.