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Chinese Plant Names | Family List | Poaceae | Microchloa

Microchloa indica (Linn. f.) Beauv.


Description from Flora of China

Perennial, or sometimes annual. Culms tufted, usually densely, very slender, wiry, up to 60 cm tall. Basal leaf sheaths disintegrating into fibers; leaf blades very narrowly linear, 1–6 cm, ca. 1 mm wide, adaxial surface usually with long scattered hairs, margins scabrous, midrib and submarginal veinsthickened, apex obtuse; ligule 0.1–0.3 mm. Raceme (3–)5–20(–25) cm, falcate when dry; rachis shortly ciliate on margins or glabrous. Spikelets light green, lanceolate, 1.6–4 mm, acute; lower glume slightly asymmetrical; lemma 1.5–3 mm, mucronate. Caryopsis ca. 1 mm. Fl. and fr. Jul–Oct.

Dry open places, on very stony soils, rock crevices; sea level to 2500 m. Guangdong, Hainan, Yunnan [throughout the tropics].


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