Pogonatherum biaristatum S. L. Chen et G. Y. Sheng
Description from Flora of China
Culms 40–60 cm tall, 1–2 mm in diam., hard, unbranched in lower part, branched above; branches ascending. Leaf sheaths glabrous, mouth ciliate; leaf blades stiff, 2–4.5 × 0.1–0.3 cm, scabrid, puberulous at base, apex long acuminate. Raceme 2–3 cm (excluding awns), yellowish; rachis internodes and pedicels shorter than spikelet. Sessile spikelet ca. 3 mm; callus hairs 0.5–3 mm; lower glume scabrid and with scattered soft hairs on back, apex densely ciliate; upper glume awn ca. 1.6 cm; lower floret absent or represented by a small linear-lanceolate lemma; awn of upper lemma ca. 1.7 cm, weakly geniculate near base, column not strongly demarcated, limb very fine. Stamens 2, anthers ca. 0.5 mm. Pedicelled spikelet smaller than sessile; lower glume with straight ca. 1.5 cm awn. Fl. and fr. early summer.
* Forests. Hainan.
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