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Sasa qingyuanensis (C. H. Hu) C. H. Hu


Description from Flora of China

Sasamorpha qingyuanensis C. H. Hu, J. Bamboo Res. 2(1): 52. 1983.

Culms 1–1.5 m, 4–6 mm in diam.; internodes thickly white powdery, especially so distally; wall thick. Culm sheaths persistent on deflexed branch, straw-colored when dry, longer than internodes, with rather dense, long, tenuous, brown or white strigae, base with a ring of brown setulae and pubescence, margins ciliate or ciliolate, apex strongly concave; auricles and oral setae absent; ligule to 5 mm; blade erect or deflexed, lanceolate. Leaves commonly 3 per ultimate branch; sheath thinly white powdery, base strigose; auricles and oral setae absent; ligule to 5 mm or more, margin ciliate, apex truncate or slightly sinuous; blade adaxially green, abaxially pale green, oblong or narrowly ovate, 18–28 × 4.7–6 cm, glabrous, secondary veins 10–13 pairs, transverse veins distinct, margins entire or one minutely spinescent. New shoots Apr–May.

* Forests; ca. 1400 m. Zhejiang.


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