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Chinese Plant Names | Family List | Cyperaceae | Fimbristylis

Fimbristylis psammocola Tang et Wang


Description from Flora of China

Perennials. Rhizomes short, woody. Culms solitary, 5-16 cm tall, obtusely 3-angled to subterete, striate, basally leaved, base covered with blackish brown often fibrous old leaf sheaths. Leaves slightly shorter than to equaling culm; sheath adaxially membranous and brown, mouth obliquely split; ligule absent; leaf blade 1-2.5 mm wide, stiff, slightly scabrid, margin slightly involute, apex acute. Involucral bracts 2-4, subulate, shorter to slightly longer than inflorescence. Inflorescence a simple or compound anthela, 2-4 × 1.2-2.5 cm, with 1-14 spikelets; rays 3-5, subcylindric, 0.6-2.5 mm. Spikelets solitary, narrowly ellipsoid, 6-10 × 2.5-4 mm, densely many flowered, apex acute. Glumes grayish green, triangular-ovate, 4-5 mm, abaxially slightly pubescent at middle, 3-veined forming an abaxial keel and excurrent into a hard mucro, midvein green, lateral veins brown, margin broadly hyaline, apex acute. Stamens 3; anthers linear, ca. 2.5 mm, ca. 1/2 as long as filaments, apex acute. Style ca. 2 mm, compressed, not ciliate, basally slightly inflated; stigmas ± as long as style. Nutlet not seen. Fl. May.

● Sandy places along rivers; 500-600 m. S Yunnan (Xishuangbanna).


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