Description from
Flora of China
Harina caryotoides (Roxburgh) Buchanan-Hamilton; Wallichia mooreana S. K. Basu; W. siamensis Beccari; Wrightea caryotoides (Roxburgh) Roxburgh.
Stems clustered, to 3 m tall, 2-10 cm in diam. Leaves spirally arranged; petioles 0.8-1.5 m; rachis 0.9-1.5 m; pinnae 8-12 per side of rachis, lanceolate, with 2 pronounced lobes, regularly and alternately arranged except for clustered proximal 2 or 3 pinnae, spreading in same plane; middle pinnae 25-49 × 5-11 cm. Inflorescences unisexual, subtended by smaller leaves, male and female borne on same or separate stems, female terminal, male lateral; male inflorescences 40-50 cm, erect; rachillae 21-30, 12.5-20.5 cm; male flowers 5-6 mm; stamens 11-16; female inflorescences 40-50 cm, erect; rachillae 7-17, 10-20 cm; female flowers to 2.5 mm at anthesis. Fruits red, ovoid to ellipsoid, to 1.7 × 0.8 cm.
Lowland to montane rain forests, especially in rocky places on steep slopes; below 1800 m. Yunnan [Bangladesh, Myanmar, Thailand].