Lilium stewartianum Balf. f. et W. W. Sm.
Description from Flora of China
Bulb ovoid, ca. 2 cm in diam.; scales white, ovate-lanceolate. Stem green, sometimes with purple-red spots, 20--50 cm. Leaves scattered, linear, 2.5--7 cm × 3--4 mm, 1-veined, margin sparsely papillose. Flower solitary, nodding, fragrant. Tepals greenish yellow, with deep red spots, oblanceolate-oblong, 4.5--5 cm × 7--9 mm, revolute distally; nectaries neither papillose nor with fimbriate projections. Filaments ca. 3 cm, glabrous. Ovary purple, cylindric, 2--2.2 cm × ca. 3 mm. Style subequaling ovary. Capsule brown, oblong or ellipsoid, 2--2.5 × 1.5--2 cm. Fl. Jul--Aug, fr. Oct.
* Forest margins, open and rocky grasslands, rocky places on limestone mountains; 3600--4300 m. NW Yunnan.
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