Description from
Flora of China
Polygonatum agglutinatum Hua; P. cavaleriei H. Léveillé; P. darrisii H. Léveillé; P. ericoideum H. Léveillé; P. esquirolii H. Léveillé; P. huanum H. Léveillé; P. kingianum var. cavaleriei (H. Léveillé) C. Jeffrey & McEwan; P. kingianum var. ericoideum (H. Léveillé) C. Jeffrey & McEwan; P. kingianum var. grandifolium D. M. Liu & W. Z. Zeng; P. kingianum var. uncinatum (Diels) C. Jeffrey & McEwan; P. uncinatum Diels.
Rhizome subterete or submoniliform, 1--3 cm thick. Stem erect, 1--3 m, glabrous, apex subscandent. Leaves in whorls of 3--10, sessile, linear to lanceolate, 6--20(--25) × 0.3--3 cm, herbaceous or leathery, apex cirrose. Inflorescences (1 or)2--4(--6)-flowered; peduncle 1--2 cm, pendulous; bracts borne usually on proximal part of pedicel, small, membranous. Pedicel 0.5--1.5 cm. Perianth pink or white, cylindric-campanulate, 1.8--2.5 cm; lobes 3--5 mm. Filaments filiform or compressed, 1.7--5 mm, glabrous or slightly papillose; anthers 4--6 mm. Ovary 4--6 mm. Style (0.8--)1--1.4 cm. Berries red, 1--1.5 cm in diam., 7--12-seeded. Fl. Mar--May, fr. Sep--Oct. 2 n = 26*, 30*, 32*, 64.
This species is highly variable. For example, the type of Polygonatum cavaleriei ( Cavalerie 2166, E) is apparently quite different from that of P. kingianum in leaves and flowers. Further studies are needed to confirm whether or not the synonyms listed above for P. kingianum really belong to this species.
Forests, thickets, shaded moist grassy slopes and rocks; 700--3600 m. Guangxi, Guizhou, Sichuan, Yunnan [Myanmar, Thailand, Vietnam].