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Chinese Plant Names | Family List | Iridaceae | Iris

Iris dichotoma Pall.


Description from Flora of China

Pardanthopsis dichotoma (Pallas) Lenz.

Rhizomes erect, brown, very short, stout. Roots long, thick. Leaves in basal fans and alternate on flowering stems proximally, grayish green, sword-shaped, slightly curved, 15--35 × 1.5--3 cm, midvein absent. Flowering stems dichotomously branched, 40--60 cm, leafy; spathes 4 or 5, green, lanceolate, 1.5--2.3 cm, 3- or 4-flowered, apex obtuse. Flowers violet, pale blue, or cream with purplish brown markings, 4--4.5 cm in diam., spiralling after anthesis; pedicel exserted from spathes, 2--3.5 cm, stiff, persistent. Perianth tube extremely short; outer segments broadly oblanceolate, 3--3.5 × ca. 1 cm, claw striped with yellowish brown, limb with darker spots on a central, pale patch; inner segments narrowly obovate, ca. 2.5 cm × 6--8 mm, apex retuse. Stamens 1.6--1.8 cm. Ovary green, ca. 1 cm. Style branches flat, ca. 2.5 cm. Capsule yellowish green, cylindric, 3.5--5 × 1--1.2 cm. Seeds dark brown, elliptic, with small wings. Fl. Jul--Aug, fr. Aug--Sep. 2 n = 32*.

This species was treated by Goldblatt et al. (in Kubitzki, Fam. Gen. Vasc. Pl. 3: 326. 1998) under Pardanthopsis (Hance) Lenz, a monospecific genus between Iris and Belamcanda.

Quercus forests, sandy grasslands, dry sunny areas; 200--2300 m. Anhui, Gansu, Hebei, Heilongjiang, Henan, Hubei, Hunan, Jiangxi, Jilin, Liaoning, Nei Mongol, Ningxia, Shaanxi, Shandong, Shanxi, Yunnan [Korea, Mongolia, Russia].


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