Pentastelma Tsiang et P. T. Li
Description from Flora of China
Lianas. Leaves opposite, petiolate. Cymes axillary. Flower buds ovoid, apex acute. Calyx with basal glands. Corolla subcampanulate; lobes longer than tube, overlapping to right. Corona lobes 5, adnate to gynostegium, fleshy, with lateral vertical processes. Filaments connate into a tube; anthers appressed against stigma, apical appendages incurved; pollinia 2 per pollinarium. Stigma head discoid, apex slightly convex.
One species: endemic to China.
The protologue describes the pollinia as pendulous, but Pentastelma otherwise shows many similarities to Tylophora, suggesting that the anther morphology needs reexamination.
Lower Taxon
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