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Chinese Plant Names | Family List | Melastomataceae

Tigridiopalma C. Chen


Description from Flora of China

Herbs, base subwoody. Stems stoloniferous, erect stems short. Leaves petiolate; leaf blade usually membranous, secondary veins 4 on each side of midvein, tertiary veins parallel, margin dentate. Inflorescences axillary, scorpioid cymes, long pedunculate. Flowers 5-merous. Hypanthium funnel-shaped, 5-sided, usually narrowly winged on angles, apex truncate. Calyx lobes short. Petals usually obovate, oblique, apex apiculate. Stamens 10, whorls unequal in shape and length; filaments filiform; anthers linear; connective minutely inflated. Longer stamens with connective decurrent, slightly prolonged, abaxially slightly spurred, adaxially 2-tuberculate at base. Shorter stamens 2-tuberculate at base of anther; connective decurrent, forming a short spur. Ovary superior, ovate, 5-celled, apex with a 5-lobed membranous crown; ovules numerous, with free central placentation, longitudinal 5-fascicled. Capsule funnelform cup-shaped, apex truncate and with a woody 5-lobed crown exserted from calyx; hypanthium usually winged on angles. Seeds cuneate, small, minutely tuberculate.

Tigridiopalma is close to Phyllagathis (from which it differs only in the 5-merous flowers), and this was recognized by Diels, who annotated the type as "Phyllagathis, flowers wanted."

● One species: China (Guangdong).

Lower Taxon


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