Description from
Flora of China
Centrostemma multiflora (Blume) Decaisne; C. platypetalum Merrill.
Plants glabrous throughout except for corolla throat. Stems erect or decumbent, to 2.5 m tall, pale gray, yellowish when dry, with persistent leaf scars. Petiole 1-2 cm; leaf blade oblong-lanceolate, 8-18 × 2-6 cm, thick papery when dried, base cuneate, apex obtusely acuminate; lateral veins obscure. Inflorescences extra-axillary, subterminal, or terminal, hemispherical, many flowered; peduncle stout, 1.5-3 cm. Pedicel 3.5-7 cm. Sepals ovate, ca. 2.5 × 1.7 mm; glands many, linear. Corolla yellowish white with orange lobe apices, 1.6-1.8 cm, strongly reflexed from base; limb ca. 6 mm, throat white villous; lobes oblong-triangular, ca. 1.2 × 0.8 cm. Corona on distinct stalk; lobes yellow, narrowly lanceolate, 8-9 mm, outer angles extended into acuminate spurs, inner angles acuminate, higher than stigma head. Follicles linear-lanceolate in outline, 12-18 cm. Seeds ovate, ca. 4 × 2 mm; coma to 5 cm. Fl. May-Jul, fr. Sep-Dec.
Open forests, bushlands; 500-1200 m. Guangdong (cultivated), Guangxi, Yunnan [Indonesia, Laos, Malaysia, Myanmar, Philippines, Thailand, Vietnam].