10. Ligustrum xingrenense D. J. Liu, Acta Phytotax. Sin. 26: 243. 1988.
兴仁女贞 xing ren nu zhen
Description from Flora of China
Shrubs evergreen, 0.5-3 m. Branchlets densely pubescent when young, becoming sparsely so later. Petiole 2-5 mm, puberulent; leaf blade ovate-orbicular to ovate-lanceolate, 2.5-5.5 × 1.5-2.5 cm, leathery, glabrous or sparsely puberulent along midrib abaxially, base cuneate to subrounded, apex acute to short acuminate or retuse; primary veins 4(or 5) on each side of midrib, deeply impressed adaxially. Panicles terminal, 2-8 cm; rachis remaining densely pubescent in fruit. Pedicel 0-1 mm. Calyx ca. 1.5 mm. Other parts of flowers not seen. Fruit subglobose or ellipsoid, 5-6 × 3-5 mm. Fr. Sep-Mar.
* Thickets, woods, shady and wet places in valleys; 400-1600 m. W Guizhou, E Yunnan
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