26b. Lithocarpus pachyphyllus var. fruticosus (G. Watt ex King) A. Camus, Chenes, Atlas. 3: 624. 1953.
顺宁厚叶柯 shun ning hou ye ke
Description from Flora of China
Quercus pachyphylla Kurz var. fruticosa G. Watt ex King, Ann. Roy. Bot. Gard. (Calcutta) 2: 45. 1889; Lithocarpus dulongensis H. Li & Y. C. Hsu; L. hypoviridis Y. C. Hsu & al.; L. variolosus (Franchet) Chun subsp. shunningensis A. Camus.
Leaf blade thickly leathery. Cupule 2.2-2.8 cm in diam., enclosing most of nut; bracts united into 3-5 continuous or interrupted rings, basal ones almost completely fused with cupule. Scar covering 1/3-1/2 of nut.
Mixed mesophytic forests; circa 2000 m. SW Yunnan [NE Myanmar]
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