38a. Lithocarpus uvariifolius var. uvariifolius
紫玉盘柯(原变种) zi yu pan ke (yuan bian zhong)
Description from Flora of China
Quercus uvariifolia Hance, J. Bot 22: 227. 1884; Pasania uvariifolia (Hance) Schottky; Synaedrys uvariifolia (Hance) Koidzumi.
Trees 10-15 m tall. Leaf blade obovate, obovate-elliptic, or rarely elliptic, 9-22 × 5-10 cm, abaxially with 2-4-branched, stellate, short hairs, margin dentate to undulate near apex or rarely entire, apex rounded, obtuse, abruptly acute, or sometimes shortly caudate; secondary veins 25-35 on each side of midvein. Cupule apically 3.5-4.5 cm in diam.
* Broad-leaved evergreen forests or in association with Castanopsis and Cyclobalanopsis or Pinus massoniana; 200-800 m. SW Fujian, N to NE Guangdong, Guangxi
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