5. Populus wulianensis S. B. Liang & X. W. Li, Bull. Bot. Res., Harbin. 6(2): 135. 1986.
五莲杨 wu lian yang
Description from Flora of China
Trees to 12 m tall; trunk erect; bark grayish green or grayish white, rough on basal part of old trunk; crown long ovoid or ovoid. Juvenile branchlets russet, terete, pubescent at first, glabrescent. Buds russet, conical or ovoid-conical, slightly viscid. Petiole laterally flattened, apex with 2 cupular glands; leaf blade ovate-orbicular or deltoid-ovate, 4-7 × 4-7 cm, base cordate to subcordate, margin serrulate, apex shortly acute. Leaf blade of sprouts and vigorous shoots oblong-ovate, 9-13 × 7-11 cm, base subcordate or subtruncate abaxially. Female catkin 4-8 cm, 5-8 cm in fruit; rachis pilose. Female flower: ovary glabrous; stigma 4-lobed. Capsule long ovoid, 2-valved. Fl. Apr, fr. May.
* Mountains; 300-500 m. Shandong (Muping Xian, Wulian Xian)
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