11. Populus X pseudotomentosa C. Wang & S. L. Tung, Bull. Bot. Lab. N.-E. Forest. Inst., Harbin. 4: 22. 1979.
响毛杨 xiang mao yang
Description from Flora of China
Trees. Juvenile branchlets purplish brown, smooth. Buds yellowish brown, ovoid, apex acute. Petiole and leaves of long shoots abaxially densely white tomentose; leaf blade of short branchlets ovate-orbicular, smaller, to 9 cm, base cordate and usually with 2 conspicuous glands, margin irregularly coarsely undulate dentate and shallowly small serrate, apex acute.
Probably a natural hybrid between Populus adenopoda and P. tomentosa.
* Cultivated. Henan, Shandong, Shanxi
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