Description from
Flora of China
Juncus spicatus Linnaeus, Sp. Pl. 1: 330. 1753.
Plants tufted, 7--30 cm tall. Stems terete. Basal leaves several; leaf blade linear-lanceolate, flat, 3--9 cm × 1--3(--4) mm, apex with a thick callus. Cauline leaves 1 or 2; leaf sheath usually pilose; leaf blade usually pilose at margin. Inflorescences drooping, spikelike, oblong-ovoid, often interrupted, sometimes lobed, densely many flowered; basal bract leaflike, shorter or longer than inflorescence. Pedicels short; bracteoles 2 subtending each flower, ovate, ca. 2 × 1 mm, margin sparingly lacerate. Perianth segments reddish brown to chestnut brown, lanceolate, 2.7--3. 2 × 0.9--1.1 mm, unequal with outer ones slightly longer than inner, margin hyaline, apex aristate. Stamens 6; anthers subequaling filaments. Style slightly shorter than ovary; stigmas ca. 1.8 mm. Capsule chestnut brown to blackish, trigonous ovoid to trigonous broadly ellipsoid, 2.2--3 mm. Seeds ca. 1.2 mm; appendage ca. 0.2 mm, base sparsely pilose. Fl. Jun--Jul, fr. Jul--Aug.
Luzula spicata subsp. mongolica Novikov has been reported from Mongolia (Gubanov, Konsp. Fl. Vyesh. Mongol. (Sosud. Rast.) 30. 1996).
Forests, grasslands, slopes, stony areas; 2400--3400 m. Sichuan, Xinjiang, Yunnan [India, Kashmir, Pakistan, Russia; Europe, North America].