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Chinese Plant Names | Family List | Commelinaceae | Tradescantia

2. Tradescantia zebrina Bosse, Vollstandiges Handb. Blumengart. [Bosse, J.; 1- (1840- ); Hannover]. 4: 655. 1849.

吊竹梅 diao zhu mei

Description from Flora of China

Zebrina pendula Schnizlein.

Herbs perennial. Stems prostrate or decumbent, often forming dense mats or colonies, branched, rooting at nodes, glabrous or pilose. Leaves alternate, sessile; leaf sheath 8--12 × 5--8 mm, thin, membranous, long-ciliate at mouth, otherwise glabrous or sparsely villous; leaf blade with 2 longitudinal, silver stripes adaxially, purple abaxially, ovate, 3--10 × 1.5--3.2 cm, somewhat fleshy, glabrous or sparsely pilose on both surfaces, base rounded, apex acute or acuminate. Flowers in clusters subtended by 2 large, leaflike, narrow, ciliate bracts. Sepals lanceolate to oblong-lanceolate, ca. 5 × 1.5 mm. Petals rose pink, ovate, ca. 6 mm, apex obtuse. Seeds rugulose.

Commonly cultivated in S China for its attractive flowers. The leaf is applied to reduce swellings.

Naturalized. Fujian, SW Guangxi (Longzhou Xian), Hong Kong, SW Taiwan (Gaoxiong Shi) [native to tropical America].


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