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Chinese Plant Names | Family List | Juncaceae | Juncus

64. Juncus lanpinguensis Novikov, Byull. Moskovsk. Obshch. Isp. Prir., Otd. Biol. 103(4): 67. 1998.

密花灯心草 mi hua deng xin cao

Description from Flora of China

Juncus glomeratus K. F. Wu, Acta Phytotax. Sin. 32: 462. 1994, not Thunberg (1784).

Plants perennial, tufted, 20--50 cm tall. Rhizome chestnut brown, 1--2.5 in diam. Stems terete, straight, 1--2.5 mm in diam., striate. Cataphylls 1 or 2, brownish, 1--5 cm, apex mucronate. Basal leaves 2, cauline leaves 1 or 2; leaf sheath auricles absent; leaf blade linear-lanceolate, flat to slightly convolute, 7--22 cm × 2--5 mm, apex obtuse. Inflorescences with involucral bract linear-lanceolate 1.5--7 cm; heads 5--11, mostly crowded, 1--1.3 cm in diam., 6--15-flowered; bracts ovate-lanceolate, 3--4 mm, apex acute. Perianth segments yellowish white, lanceolate, 3.5--5 × 1--1.2 mm, subequal or outer ones somewhat shorter than inner, apex acuminate. Stamens 6, much longer than perianth at maturity; filaments 5--7.5 mm; anthers 1.2--2 mm. Style ca. 2 mm; stigmas 1.2--2 mm. Capsule (immature) yellowish, shiny, 1-loculed. Seeds (immature) appendaged at both ends. Fl. Jun--Aug, fr. Aug--Sep.

* Wet grasslands on slopes, ravine margins; 2800--3600 m. Yunnan.


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