Description from
Flora of China
Styrax esquirolii H. Léveillé, Repert. Spec. Nov. Regni Veg. 9: 446. 1911; Deutzia chaffanjonii H. Léveillé; D. lanceifolia Rehder.
Shrubs 1-2 m tall. Flowering branchlets purple, 8-11 cm, 4-6-leaved, sparsely stellate hairy. Petiole 3-4 mm; leaf blade abaxially greenish, lanceolate or narrowly so, 2.5-4.5 cm × 4-6(-12) mm, papery, abaxially 5-7-rayed stellate hairy, indumentum discontinuous, adaxially sometimes rugose, sparsely 4(or 5)-rayed stellate hairy, veins in 4 or 5 pairs, base cuneate, margin serrulate, apex acuminate or narrowly so. Cymes 1.5-5 × 2-3 cm, 3-5(-9)-flowered; peduncle slender; pedicels 4-8(-15) mm. Calyx tube ca. 4 × 4 mm, densely 4-8-rayed stellate hairy; lobes deltoid, 1-2 mm. Petals induplicate, white, ovate-oblong, 5-8 × 4-5 mm. Outer stamens 4-5 mm; filament teeth exceeding anthers; anthers stalked, globose. Inner stamens 3-4 mm; filaments acuminate or unequally 2- or 3-lobed at apex; anthers borne near middle of filaments abaxially. Styles 3, 2-3 mm. Capsule subglobose, ca. 3 mm in diam., densely 5-10-rayed stellate hairy, with persistent, incurved calyx lobes. Fl. Apr-May, fr. Sep-Oct.
* Mixed forests, mountain slopes; 1000-2000 m. C Guizhou (Guiyang Shi).