57a. Ranunculus membranaceus var. membranaceus
棉毛茛(原变种) mian mao gen (yuan bian zhong)
Description from Flora of China
Ranunculus pulchellus C. A. Meyer var. membranaceus (Royle) Mukerjee; R. pulchellus var. sericeus J. D. Hooker & Thomson.
Stems 2.5--12 cm, velutinous, sometimes densely puberulent. Basal leaves ca. 4; petiole 2--3.7 cm, glabrous or appressed puberulent; blade lanceolate-linear, linear, or narrowly oblong, 1.6--3 × 0.3--0.4 mm. Stem leaves linear-lanceolate, undivided or 3-sect and segments linear. Flowers solitary, terminal, 1.2--1.8 cm in diam. Fl. Jun--Sep.
Alpine meadows, gravelly places, river banks; 3700--5000 m. NW Sichuan (Dêgê Xian), S Xizang [Nepal, Pakistan].
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