Description from
Flora of China
Potentilla aemulans Juzepczuk; P. rugulosa Kitagawa; P. tranzschelii Juzepczuk.
Flowering stems and petioles sparsely pilose, sometimes mixed with glandular hairs. Radical leaves with 2–4 pairs of leaflets; leaflets abaxially densely villous, appressed villous on veins, adaxially usually markedly bullate and prominently reticulate veined, appressed pilose. Achenes rugose at maturity, villous around hilum. Fl. and fr. May–Sep.
Potentilla ancistrifolia var. tomentosa Liou & Y. Y. Li ex C. L. Li was described in FRPS (p. 256), but the name is invalid because no Latin description or diagnosis was provided (St. Louis Code, Art. 36.1). The entity described belongs to var. ancistrifolia.
Thickets, meadows on mountain slopes, gravels, rock crevices; 300--2400 m. Gansu, Hebei, Heilongjiang, Henan, Hubei, Jilin, Liaoning, Shaanxi, Shanxi, Sichuan [Korea, Russia].