Description from
Flora of China
Shrubs climbing, small, to 1 m tall. Branchlets terete, slightly curved, slender, subglabrous; prickles short, slightly flat, inflated at base. Leaves including petiole 5.5–7 cm; stipules mostly adnate to petiole, margin pectinate and glandular; rachis and petioles densely stipitate glandular and sparsely pubescent; leaflets 5–7, pale green abaxially, deep green adaxially, usually obovate-oblong or elliptic, 1.3–2 × 0.9–1.5 cm, abaxially glabrous or sparsely glandular or pubescent along midvein, adaxially subglabrous, base broadly cuneate or rounded, margin doubly serrate, apex acuminate. Flowers 8–12-flowered in panicle, 2–2.5 cm in diam.; pedicel 5–10 mm, glandular; bracts caducous. Hypanthium ovoid-globose, subglabrous, sparsely villous and glandular-pubescent. Sepals 5, lanceolate, abaxially stipulate-glandular, adaxially densely villous, margin pinnately lobed; lobules lanceolate to linear, apex long acuminate. Petals 5, white, unknown. Styles connate in column, exserted, slightly shorter than stamens, glabrous. Hip unknown.
One of us (Robertson) has seen no specimens of this species.
NE Zhejiang (Daishan Xian).