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Chinese Plant Names | Family List | Orchidaceae | Zeuxine

Zeuxine affinis (Lindl.) Benth.


Description from Flora of China

Monochilus affinis Lindley, Gen. Sp. Orchid. Pl. 487. 1840; Adenostylis arisanensis (Hayata) Hayata; Zeuxine arisanensis Hayata; Z. sutepensis Rolfe ex Downie; Z. taiwaniana S. S. Ying; Z. uraiensis S. S. Ying.

Plants 11-30 cm tall, slender. Rhizome elongate. Stem erect, deep reddish brown to greenish brown, 4-6-leaved. Leaves subrosulate, withered and pendulous at anthesis, often reddish, ovate, ovate-lanceolate, or elliptic, 2.5-4 × 1.2-2.5 cm, apex acute or obtuse; petiole-like base ca. 1 cm including tubular sheath. Inflorescence 5-20 cm, with 1 or 2 puberulent sterile bracts, pubescent, pale brown; rachis 3-9 cm, subdensely several to many flowered; floral bracts ovate-lanceolate, 7-8 mm, pubescent on margin and lower half of abaxial surface, apex long acuminate. Flowers resupinate or occasionally erect, small; ovary and pedicel fusiform, 5-6 mm, glabrous to puberulent. Sepals not spreading, dark brownish green at base, white toward apex, pubescent; dorsal sepal broadly ovate, 4-5 × ca. 2.5 mm, concave, 1-veined, apex obtuse or acute; lateral sepals ovate-oblong, slightly oblique, 3.5-4.5 × ca. 2.5 mm, 1-veined, apex obtuse. Petals white, elliptic to obovate, oblique, ca. as long as dorsal sepal, 1.5-2 mm wide, 1-veined, apex obtuse; lip white or pale yellow, Y-shaped, 4.5-6 mm, 3-partite; hypochile concave-saccate, containing 2 subulate, hooked calli; mesochile short, to 1 mm, tapering toward apex, margin involute; epichile dilated, 2-lobed; lobes not diverging widely, obovate-flabellate, widening toward apex, 2-2.5 × 2-2.2 mm. Column 1.5-2 mm; wings triangular; anther ovoid-lanceolate, to 2 mm; rostellum arms oblong, ca. 0.6 mm. Fl. Feb-Apr. 2n = 20.

Hong Kong plants previously treated as Zeuxine gracilis (Breda) Blume (e.g., by S. Y. Hu, Gen. Orchidaceae Hong Kong, 50. 1977) are probably referable here.

Shaded places in forests, forest margins, valleys; 800-1700 m. Guangdong, Hainan, Hunan, Taiwan, Yunnan [Bangladesh, Bhutan, India, Laos, Malaysia, Myanmar, Thailand, Vietnam].


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