2. Dicranella austro-sinensis Herz. & Dix. in Dix., Hong Kong Naturalist, Suppl. 2: 3. 1933.
Plants small, 5–10 mm high, yellowish green, in loose tufts. Stems erect, often simple, rarely sparsely branched. Leaves appressed, smaller below, larger and crowded above, contorted when dry, erect-spreading when moist, upper leaves rather abruptly narrowed from an oblong-ovate, somewhat sheathing base to a long, subulate, sometimes keeled, acumen; margins plane, entire or only serrulate near the apex; costa stout, subpercurrent to percurrent, smooth at back; upper cells linear, thick-walled; lower cells short-rectangular. Dioicous. Perichaetial leaves convolute-sheathing, abruptly long-subulate. Setae straight, up to 8 mm long, yellowish; capsules cylindric, pale yellowish, exothecial cells hexagonal; opercula stoutly short-rostrate; annuli in 1–2 rows of cells, deciduous; peristome teeth reddish brown, divided to the middle, papillosely vertically striate. Spores not seen.
Type. China: Tongtowka (Guangdong), Husek 4 (holotype BM).
Specimens examined: GUANGDONG: Guangzhou City, W.-L. Zhang 50 (IBSC). YUNNAN: He-kou Co., H.-G. Guo 340 (IFSBH, YUKU).
Habitat: on wet soil; Distributed: endemic to China.
Illustrations: Pl. 30, figs. 1–11.