3. Dicranum cheoi Bartr., Ann. Bryol. 8: 8. 1936.
Plants large, up to 10 cm high, yellowish green above, dark green to brown below, not shiny, in loose tufts. Stems elongate, erect or ascending, often branched by innovations from old perichaetia, forming annual layers, sometimes radiculose below. Leaves caespitose, up to 7 mm long, crispate when dry, falcate-secund when moist, lanceolate from a broad base to a long, subulate acumen; margins plane, entire below, double-toothed and bistratose above; costa thick, occupying 1/5 the leaf base width, shortly excurrent, ending in a short hairpoint, strongly papillose or serrate at back above; upper cells quadrate to short-rhomboidal, thick-walled, smooth; basal cells elongate, rectangular, porose; alar cells quadrate, incrassate, bistratose, yellowish brown. Dioicous. Male plants dwarfed. Inner perichaetial leaves high convolute-sheathing at base, suddenly narrowed to a short, setaceous subula. Setae single, elongate, straight, ca. 2 cm long, yellowish; capsules erect, cylindric, ca. 3.5 mm long, yellowish brown; exothecial cells short-rectangular; opercula erectly long-rostrate; annuli in 2 rows of large cells, deciduous; peristome teeth 2–3 divided, nearly to the middle, scarcely papillose at the tips, clearly transverse-barred, vertical striation indistinct below. Spores 20 µm in diameter, yellowish brown, papillose.
Type. China: Guizhou (Kweichow), Jiang-kou Co., Fan Jing Shan (Mt.), alt. 2000 m, on rocks, Q.-Y. Jiao (S.-Y. Cheo) 824 (holotype FH; isotype H).
Specimens examined: GUIZHOU: Jiang-kou Co., C. Gao & J.-Y. Feng 32269, 32574 (IFSBH); Leigong Shan (Mt.), Y.-X. Fang s.n. (IFSBH). XIZANG: Mi-lin Co., Xizang Team s.n. (IFSBH).
Habitat: on rocks; Distribution: endemic to China.
Illustrations: Pl. 41, figs. 1–11.