10. Dicranum groenlandicum Brid., Muscol. Recent. Suppl. 4: 68. 1819.
Dicranum elongatum Schleich. ex Schwaegr. ssp. groenlandicum (Brid.) Moenk., Laubm. Eur. 210. 1927.
Dicranum elongatum var. sphagni T. Jens., Vidensk. Meddel. Dansk Naturhist. Foren. Kjobenhavn 1858(1–4): 58. 1858.
Plants medium- to large-sized, 3–12 (–15) cm high, yellowish green or brownish green, shiny, in dense tufts. Stems erect, simple or branched, densely tomentose below the middle. Leaves erect, stiff, appressed when dry, erect-spreading when moist, narrowly to ovate-lanceolate, ca. 3.0 mm × 0.6–0.8 mm, gradually to rather quickly narrowed to a subtubulose acumen; margins plane below, slightly involute above, unistratose, nearly entire throughout; costa slender, occupying ca. 1/10 – 1/8 the leaf base width, smooth at back above, percurrent; upper cells rounded rhomboidal, thick-walled, somewhat porose; basal cells elongate, thick-walled, strongly porose; alar cells rounded quadrate, inflated, unistratose, golden brown. Dioicous. Setae slender, ca. 1.5 cm long, yellowish when young, brownish when old; capsules erect or slightly curved when dry, short-cylindric; opercula long-rostrate; annuli in 1–2 rows of large cells; peristome teeth divided to the middle, pale and smooth at tips, vertically striolate below, orange brown. Spores 20–24 µm in diameter, faintly papillose.
Type. Greenland.
Chinese specimens examined: HEILONGJIANG: Da Xing An Ling (Greater Khingan Mt.), C. Gao 13113 (IFSBH). JILIN: An-tu Co., C. Gao 1053 (IFSBH); Chang-bai Co., C. Gao 7495 (IFSBH); Ji-an Co., C. Gao 7833 (IFSBH). NEI MONGOL: Da Xing An Ling (Greater Khingan Mt.), C. Gao 12731, 12846 (IFSBH); Ke-erxinzuoqi, P.-Y. Fu 1152 (IFSBH). SICHUAN: Dao-cheng Co., S. He 31841 (MO, PE). YUNNAN: Gong-shan Co., M.-Z. Wang 11441 (IFSBH, PE).
Habitat: on wet soil and rocks or mixed with peat mosses; Distribution: China, Japan, Russia, Europe, and North America.
Illustrations: C. Gao (ed.) 1994 (Pl. 122, figs. 1–11).