17. Dicranum lorifolium Mitt., J. Proc. Linn. Soc., Bot., Suppl. 1: 15. 1859.
Dicranum cristatum Wils., Hooker’s J. Bot. Kew Gard. Misc. 9: 295. 1857, nom. nud.
Plants medium-sized to moderately large, up to 5 cm high, dark green or yellowish to reddish brown, shiny, in dense tufts. Stems ascending, or sometimes erect, dichotomously branched, densely foliate, tomentose below. Leaves often homomallous, falcate-secund when dry, erect-patent when moist, narrowly lanceolate, up to 1 cm long, gradually narrowed from an ovate base to a long, canaliculate acumen; margins plane, entire below, sharply serrate near the apex; costa slender, brownish, percurrent, serrate at back above; upper cells rhomboidal to short-rectangular, 40–50 µm × 10–12 µm, incrassate, not porose; basal cells elongate, rectangular, 70–85 µm × 10–12 µm, thick-walled, porose; alar cells slightly bulging out, somewhat inflated, bistratose, reddish brown at the margins, hyaline within. Dioicous. Perichaetial leaves with a high convolute-sheathing base, abruptly narrowed to a short point. Setae single, straight, up to 3 cm long, twisted when dry, brownish; capsules erect to suberect, cylindric, ca. 5 mm long, reddish brown; opercula erect, conic-rostrate; peristome teeth typically dicranoid. Spores 20–25 µm in diameter, light brownish, minutely papillose.
Syntypes. Nepal: Wallich s.n.; India: Kashmir, T. Thomson 52; Khasia, J. D. Hooker 63.
Chinese specimens examined: FUJIAN: Wuyi Shan (Mt.), P.-J. Lin 261(c) (IBSC). GANSU: Min-xian Co., Zhao Han Team 3078 (IFSBH). GUIZHOU: Pin-fa Co., Cavalerie s.n., 1906 (MO); Sui-yang Co., C. Gao & J.-Y. Feng 32873 (ALTA, IFSBH). SICHUAN: Ya-jiang Co., Z.-T. Guan 60203 (MO). XIZANG: Mi-lin Co., S.-K. Chen 185 (HKAS, IFSBH); Mo-tuo Co., Y.-G. Su 4471 (HKAS, IFSBH). YUNNAN: Gong-shan Co., M.-Z. Wang 11623(a) (IFSBH, PE); Lu-shui Co., J.-X. Luo & M.-Z. Wang 812199(b) (IFSBH, PE).
Habitat: on rotten wood or the bases of trees; Distribution: China, Bhutan, Nepal, and India.
Illustrations: C. Gao (ed.) 1994 (Pl. 125, figs. 1–9).