22. Dicranum papillidens Broth., Akad. Wiss. Wien Sitzungsber., Math.-Naturwiss. Kl. Abt. 1. 133: 561. 1924.
Plants small, up to 1.5 cm high, yellowish green or brownish, shiny, in loose tufts. Stems erect, simple or branched, radiculose below, densely foliate. Leaves erect, appressed or imbricate when dry, erect-patent or flexuose when moist, ovate-lanceolate, up to 5 mm long, gradually narrowed from an oblong-ovate base to a long and canaliculate or concave acumen, falcate-secund at the tips; margins plane, entire throughout; costa slender, shortly excurrent, rarely percurrent, smooth or weakly serrulate at back above; upper cells quadrate to short-rectangular, thick-walled, not porose; basal cells elongate, rectangular, thick-walled, porose; alar cells subquadrate, somewhat inflated, nearly extending to the costa, bistratose, yellowish brown. Dioicous. Perichaetial leaves high convolute-sheathing at base, abruptly narrowed to a long, subulate acumen. Setae single, straight, ca. 1 cm long, pale reddish; capsules erect, oblong-ovoid to short-cylindric, smooth when dry; exothecial cells quadrate or hexagonal, incrassate; opercula erect, long-rostrate; peristome teeth lanceolate, divided to the middle or lower, purple reddish, coarsely papillose throughout. Spores 20–22 µm in diameter, brownish green, faintly papillose.
Type. China: Sichuan (Setschwan), alt. 3000–3675 m, Handel-Mazzetti 994 (holotype H; isotype MO).
Specimen examined: SICHUAN: Hui-li Co., Handel-Mazzetti 241 (H).
Habitat: on bamboo trunks; Distribution: endemic to China.
Illustrations: Pl. 47, figs. 13–17.